Employment Law Questions
Home / Employment Law Questions

Were You Wrongfully Terminated?
Do you have a wrongful termination case? The following is an overview of general legal principles and is not exhaustive or a substitute for legal

Are You Owed Overtime Pay?
California overtime provisions apply to all California employers, residents, as well as nonresidents who perform work in California and for California based employers. If you

Can I Breast Feed at Work? Yes!
Generally, every employer, including the state and any political subdivision, must provide a nursing mother an appropriate space and a reasonable amount of break time

How Must an Employer Accommodate My Medical Condition?
Under Fair Employment and Housing Act (“FEHA”), an employer’s failure “to engage in a timely, good faith, interactive process with the employee … to determine

How Should I Request a Medical Accommodation for My Medical Condition?
If you are diagnosed with a medical condition and/or injure yourself, your employer may be required to accommodate your medical issue by changing your work

What are the deadlines for filing a wrongful termination lawsuit?
A statute of limitations is the period in which a particular case must be filed. Employment law cases are unique because they encompass a myriad

Factors to consider in choosing an employee rights wrongful termination attorney
If you are facing a problem with your employer, you will most likely need an attorney. Employment law is very complicated and only a qualified

How Can I Protect Myself From Discrimination?
If you find yourself amidst an employment dispute, taking the following steps might help bolster the credibility of your claims and hopefully avoid a he